Jul, 29
Plans for Alpha20

Now that Alpha19 is out, fixing many technical and other issues introduced earlier, a lot of weight is off my chest . Players seem to enjoy the Adventurer campaign greatly. So far 782 Adventurers have been played, compared to 838 Keepers. The total number of turns spent by Adventurers is only 886 thousand compared to 5.4 million in Keeper mode, but that was expected as the games are much shorter. Big thanks to everyone who agreed to sending game statistics, I promise not to target any ads based on your sadistic deeds in the game. 😀

I’m now going to work on gameplay improvements, mostly in the basebuilding department. It has long been known that the game suffers from poor progression mechanics. Currently the player only faces a few major challenges, and the road to victory is either quick or contains long stretches of boredom. My ambition is to change that in Alpha20 and later.

I’ve played a few good basebuilding games recently, and I think the goal of the game should be putting visible and well defined challenges in front of the player, sometimes letting him or her create their own. The tools to beat the challenges should be easily discoverable (big bonus if there are multiple ways to do it). Challenges can be external, like enemy attacks, or internal, like a food shortage or a desired improvement in the base.

My goal is to set up the gameplay of KeeperRL as a long string of challenges of growing difficulty. It’s a ridiculously hard thing to do, of course, and requires a lot of trial and error. Ultimately, however, I think it’s essential for KeeperRL to be a game that people keep playing for many years.

I’ll write about some of my ideas soon, and I hope to hear your comments. With a lot of the technical stuff behind me, I’m hoping for really fast progress.


Home Forums Plans for Alpha20

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  • #5192

    Alpha 20 sounds like it will be interesting. Challenges 🙂

    The existing technology tree is a fantastic idea, but with respect, it is very poorly implemented. There is no challenge. All you have to do is build a library and speed up the game until you can research everything. This is a huge missed opportunity for visible and well defined challenges and it sounds like a brilliant candidate for improvement in Alpha 20.

    Fortunately it is easily fixed. For example, stop the library from generating more than twice the mana you have gained from killing things.

    Another one is training. Stop the training room giving more than two levels since the unit has last killed something?

    If this makes it too hard, then play father Christmas and give out some buffs that balance the game again. There are a long list of things that players have suggested that would help out there.

    Whatever you decide, looking forward to it 🙂


    Having said all of that, your game is awesome! I have been playing it for months and I am still entertained.

    “Currently the player only faces a few major challenges, and the road to victory is either quick or contains long stretches of boredom.”

    No, I disagree. More challenges will make this game even better though.


    My Steam library says I’ve played 507 hours so far.

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There are no other games out there like KeeperRL. The game is a unique mixture of management, levelling, crafting, constructing, exploring, adventure etc. […] The possibility of interacting with other’s players monumental dungeons turn KeeperRL into one of the most promising games I’ve found.


This game is amazing! It’s challenging, fun, unique, and exactly what you might expect it to be. For an early access game it’s incredible. And the thought that there’s more to come thrills me! I can’t wait to see how this awesome game will develop even more.


Any time I touch another race, I get bent over like a cheap, overworked sex worker. I love sucking at this game so much.
