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  • in reply to: Development continues #4725

    Alpha 18 map making volunteers. There would be plenty. You may find it hard to unit test Alpha 18 without some keeper maps that you can invade. In Alpha 17 you can only invade them with adventurers. It will be a new thing.

    in reply to: Development continues #4723

    Attacked on a map you aren’t currently playing.

    Complex and tricky. For alpha18 AIs and players might have to take it in turns to attack squares on the overworld.

    This means AI cant interupt until an invasion has ended. Then it is the other forces who attack while you must defend. It is their turn. etc.

    in reply to: Development continues #4721

    Permadeath. dont send your keeper on invasions!

    in reply to: Development continues #4719

    Campaign size. Dimensions of the oveworld map could be adjusted after developing it.

    in reply to: Development continues #4711

    Portals are probably just staircases where you choose a country to invade?

    in reply to: Development continues #4705

    You are right. But I can’t seem to edit it for some reason. Sorry.

    in reply to: Development continues #4699


    I need to say that if you decide your campaign mode is achievable, I’d still like to help.

    In fact, I am offering to make you a selection of 1/4 size dungeons that you can install with alpha 18. You would find this especially helpful if you are unable to convert any of the alpha 17 dungeons cropped to the right size.

    in reply to: Development continues #4695

    OK, bear with me here. I apologise in advance for the length of this post and please take it the right way.

    Before you jump into developing a campaign mode, I want to explore what you are getting into. This looks pretty complex. As I understand it, perhaps it might play something like this:

    I start a new campaign and you create a folder for it, containing the overworld data. All the summary information for the villain maps needs to be displayed to me from turn 1.

    You fill in 10 map squares with villain keepers to defeat. Let’s say they are all pre-installed maps. You put a private copy of the keeper maps in my campaign folder. Now you must generate the remaining 90 maps on a 10 x 10 overworld. Maybe you just generate the summary information at this stage. Generating 90 map files is too slow. Most people will probably never visit most of those maps anyway if you don’t need them to win the game.

    I choose my starting location in the middle of some easy-looking keeperless squares you spawned. I complete the starting location easily because it is only inhabited by one human town, a cyclops and some bandits. It takes 20 minutes.

    I ignore the bandits. I save the campaign. It only saves one map, the other maps haven’t changed. Most of the maps haven’t even been generated yet.

    I go shopping in real life and come back later and I load my campaign. It loads the overworld file again. I load my dungeon base for a while and get bored because there isn’t much to level up on. I have no throne and no enemies yet. I go to the overworld map (dungeon base saves). I invade a neighbouring square by selecting it on the overworld map view.

    This time I have an average difficulty map, like the common ones you get already. Some dwarves and elves and humans. It takes a short time to generate this map because it hasn’t actually been created yet.

    I have to stay in control of a minion. If it dies, the invasion has failed and the villain map will be saved. Perhaps during my invasion, I realise I am unready.

    I go back to the overworld map and you save my invasion. I return to my dungeon base to train up my troops. My dungeon base loads up. Some neighbouring bandits have been waiting to attack me but I was away on an invasion, so they waited to ambush me when I come back. I kill the bandits and go on to wipe them out. I train a bigger and better army and make a throne for myself.

    By doing this, I get attacked severely and I hit the 5 villain limit on my base dungeon. This will probably remain the case for the rest of the campaign – it is now all out war.

    Up to 5 different tribes are coming in occasionally from some of the surrounding maps. These invaders represent the strength of those tribes but those other maps are not actually loaded because it would be too slow to have more than one map running at a time.

    There is a dragon that attacks from the square to my north. Since the dragon was the only villain on the map to my north, I now own 2 squares when I kill it. There is some loot, although I have to load up the map to get to it.

    Back to my invasion (you save my dungeon base and load my invasion). During this next assault the elves are defeated. I take a look at my base dungeon. (invaded map saves). I defend my dungeon against the four other villains that are attacking from around about. These were all waiting for me to return to my base because they can’t really attack while I am away on an invasion. I guess they all attack at once. This is the price I pay for botching my invasion. I survive.

    After this, my keeper is getting very high level and I also have spell casting vampires and legendary beasts, traps, all the types of rooms and minions. I make a direct path across the 10 x 10 map to the nearest villain keeper, who is only a few maps away. I guess I have to conquer the maps in between us. Should be easy, but if an invasion fails for any reason, I will have to go back to my base dungeon map to re-equip and party up again. I can expect to face plenty of assaults waiting for me every time I have to go back to base. On the other hand, I also get to train and recruit.

    I start taking on the villain keepers. Invasion parties have to be well chosen because if I fail, I will have to go back to my dungeon base and face counter attacks. The private campaign copy of the player maps also have to save and load when I enter and exit them. However, I don’t have to wait for the initial generation of those maps because they are derived from player maps that were installed with the game.

    This will go on in real life for days or weeks. Attacks and counter-attacks. Loading villain keeper maps and then failing and getting hit back. Eventually all 10 keepers are dead and I have won the campaign. 25 of the 100 maps were beaten. The other 75 maps were never visited, loaded up or even generated.

    I retire and upload my own base dungeon for other players to enjoy.

    My question: Can you handle that kind of complexity?

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Keeperman.
    in reply to: Development continues #4694

    🙂 🙂 🙂

    in reply to: Development continues #4692

    At the risk of sounding a bit cheeky…

    I’d also like to see the names of the squares that surround my territory on the overworld map before I invade those lands. And I want to know if they are keeperless or who the keeper is before I invade them.


    in reply to: Development continues #4690

    You might want to install the best dungeon maps with the game itself, in case we lose internet connection during a campaign and can’t get any new villains.

    Would also be nice to install some maps with no other dungeon keeper, just the standard main villains like dragons and humans and dwarves.

    Some of the maps could be designed manually by you instead and installed with the release. A nest of red dragons. An army of cyclops.

    I am still worried that my laptop will overheat and melt down. I’m not sure how many villains it can cope with! I am hoping that I can only be zoomed into one map at a time and the villain maps will load and save quicker, being smaller than the maps are now.

    in reply to: Adventure Mode no way easy #4688

    If it is about stepping up options, then adventurers could learn spells as they level up. This seems pretty standard in almost all RPGs. If you want to start at level 30 with most of the spells, then your score should probably be 30x smaller. If you want to play a fighter without spells, you need a huge buff on defense and attack. If you want to play a thief, you would be buffed on speed and get teleport and invisibility spells. Clerics of course, would get the heal spell and maybe stun. Wizards could just get all the spells and keep the existing defense and attack stats.

    Adventuring is frustrating because it is a really good idea and so nearly there, but never quite gets finished every new release. I think this is probably because releases are usually a bit late and the bugs have to be fixed as a priority. There is no room left to squeeze adventuring in.

    in reply to: Development continues #4687

    Good idea. After conquering a dungeon you could click on like/dislike. Dungeons with more likes could appear more often as major villains in a campaign.

    in reply to: Development continues #4682

    Campaign mode sounds exciting. Would it be possible to have a portal network that links all the maps together, rather than having to march my minions all over a huge country?

    5 unconquered villains is enough to be getting on with! Especially if they all own a whole map for themselves! Could you limit the major villains to about 5 at the same time (like we have now in normal mode?) When I conquer a map, a new villain could be switched in. So they could be rotated in one at a time. Thus saving my laptop from exploding and also avoiding getting attacked by 30 players at a time.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Keeperman.
    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Keeperman.
    in reply to: So what's the news? #4640

    Fast task allocation. I never have to go down a list of 10 ogres removing every task except training. Instead I choose one I like and do the tasks once. Then I click inspire (next to whip, banish and control). All existing ogres copy his tasks. New ogres default to his tasks. 🙂

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