Home Forums General Discussion Should Having to Pay your Minions be an option?

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    I love this game and I think it will be bought by many. Great Idea, Great execution, great everything. Expect Paying your minions! It makes me feel like I'm Timed to complete the game. Please make it an option. Please!
    Otherwise its one of my favorite games ever. Some Ideas:

    • Have other evil tribes like Spiders (lead by spider queen) or kobold camp(lead by giant gnoll). You can make alliances with the evil tribes and they will send you temporary troops.
    • Water Creatures, I like the Idea of the kraken. Ex: Merman, Giant snails
    • Have a food system so you can grow mushrooms, have like mushroom men that care for the mushroom crops

    Keep up the good work, the game is great,
    have a good day


    It would help me if you tell me what's exactly wrong with paying minions, for example how quickly you're out of gold and/or why you can't loot some gold from the villages and caves.


    Running out of gold to quickly is one. Also I miss building up HUGE army's and swamping towns. Also with the gold you have to attack with the units right away or else you will run out of gold, and usually your minions will be low level so they will die, so you end up having minions only reach like level 3 before they die. Also the gold is like a timer. I prevents me from putting any thought in to my dungeon because the only way to win is to build a small/cost efficient dungeon. If you added gold mines that would earn like 3-5 gold every 20 turns that would allow me to get more attached to my dungeons and have some more fun. thank you for being a great involved developer and your game is really awesome, And Thanks for reading my last post.
    Favorite Game
    Have a good day


    I don't have much experience with the game, but I'd love an option to “pause” paying certain minions so they just go into infinite sleep or whatever until you start paying them again.

    This does however allow to amass minions and then go in a huge pack, so that'd need to be addressed. And it also creates a whole new spectrum to balance.

    It'd be nice, but I don't see it happening without major rework which wouldn't be worth to simply allow certain people to enjoy a play style they enjoy more than the one in place.

    So, I don't think so.

    Discount Ninja

    FunATuns is right about having a limited amount of time. Since there is a finite amount of gold you can collect there is a hard limit on how long the game is.

    Gold will be the hardest thing to balance. You can't fire minions, and it would be a great idea if you could. It would also be great if the minions held the gold you spent on them. So once they die in battle you can recover the funds you spent. This way you could at least recycle the gold. Which makes the cost of failure better and adds a risk to attacking. Great for when Keeper vs. Keeper comes in.


    Minions dropping (some of the) gold is a good idea. Heroes should also drop more.

    My main goal for the next releases will be to limit the fast growth that there is now so that gold is not used up so quickly.


    One thing that paying your cannon fodder, I mean trusted minions, is that it changes the pace of the game. With the need to always pay your people you are always searching for gold and need to get the most out of your minions before the next paycheck. Gold becomes a count down to defeat. If you run out, you will have a hard time wining. Thus, you are always on the offensive, trying to mine gold and pillage before the countdown reaches zero. I find that makes games much more fast and furious.

    Now, this is not an inherently bad thing, but it is off-putting to those that like to build up a fortress and army and take the game at a more sedate pace.

    A few ways to change this.
    1. Some  way to reduce pay to get reduced work. For example, you could put someone on rest, pay them half as much but they only work 25% as much or something like that.
    2. More ways for gold other than pillage and mine. Maybe you could ransom off captives or research some form of alchemy that would let you convert mana and some resource into gold.
    3. leave it as it is.


    I plan to overhaul the whole economy anyway, but these are very good ideas on how to temporarily fix the problem. Especially reducing payment for some minions. Thanks.

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