Apr, 19
More campaign news

Things keep getting delayed unfortunately, although I’m still planning to release Alpha18 at the end of April or very early May. I was hoping that hooking up crash reporting through the Steam API would be easy, but I just can’t get it to work. I might have to use a back up plan in the form of the Google Breakpad library or my own, old crash reporting scripts. It’s something I need to get done before I can roll out a testing build to Steam.

Last week I added a slightly unrelated feature. Minable resources aren’t spawned at world generation anymore, you have to discover them by researching geology (to be fair, the game actually only spawns them at that point). The are currently three levels of the tech, and maxing them out, which will give you large amounts of iron and gold, will require a significant mana investment. Overall, I think it will add some needed balance to the game, and the ores can be generated around your base in a convenient way. Also, it will help me add more ore types later on, which has to do with a major gameplay feature that I’ll announce soon.

The campaign mode is mostly under control. Before writing this, I’ve been at war with Alderyk the Keeper, whom I had retired just an hour earlier. The last major fix I had to add involved stopping undead from traveling and, as a consequence, killing themselves during daytime. I still need to do some balancing, and fill the maps with more content, but that’s easy and pleasant stuff compared to my chores discussed in the first paragraph!


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    Sorry to hear about the Steam API. You would expect a big player like Steam to have technology that is really easy to interface with. It sounds like you will want to use Steam in the end when you get it working, so you could put your old crash reports back in, just to get us that testing build. (I want a go!)

    Geology is probably a good idea. Mana loses its value later on in the game and more technologies are needed. Some of them should be expensive enough to not quite reach during an average game.


    In the end I’ve implemented reporting that works even better for me (gives me more debug info) than Steam’s 😛

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Dec, 31

Happy 2025!

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There are no other games out there like KeeperRL. The game is a unique mixture of management, levelling, crafting, constructing, exploring, adventure etc. […] The possibility of interacting with other’s players monumental dungeons turn KeeperRL into one of the most promising games I’ve found.


This game is amazing! It’s challenging, fun, unique, and exactly what you might expect it to be. For an early access game it’s incredible. And the thought that there’s more to come thrills me! I can’t wait to see how this awesome game will develop even more.


Any time I touch another race, I get bent over like a cheap, overworked sex worker. I love sucking at this game so much.
