Home Forums General Discussion so adventurering is really unfun an unfair.

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    so the game as it stands is really really poorly balanced for adventurers… you have to deal with insanely complicated dungeons that sometimes make a world unbeatable because of boulder traps being instakill meat grinders an ontop of that there's always the chance that the a creature your twenty handicap adventurer would normally have a fair fight or even easily beat simply going invisible waltzing over an proceding to pretty much obliterate you an sever your head. I feel cheated by this. the only item in the game to counter invisibility is the helm of telepathy or going invisible yourself an waiting it out otherwise you better hope your faster than that little qeustion mark that just severed your arm… an even when the helm does spawn you can count that the keepers probably got it stached somewhere far far away or on his own bearded head. adventurers don't have access to magic either an the master sorcery book won't fix that either. the only games I've ever won at were games where I had boots of speed or helm of telepathy or both. It doesn't matter what defense you have because they almost auto crit. not to mention they may get a few attacks which means you just die before you even know whats happening


    Adventuring has a lot of potential but it isn't a finished product. There isn't any way to know the difficulty of the map you select and you cannot be sure that the map is possible at the highest handicap. Players could share this knowledge by rating maps, but there isn't anywhere to facilitate this.


    I think that if simple game mechanics were introduced to help you do stuff such as qeusts or grind up levels or even a crafting system to allow you to craft better gear adventuring would be improved greatly! also a skill that allows you to disable traps or destroy stone (word of power anyone?) would make adventuring much more playable because as it is now it's just getting lucky an then brute forcing your way through the training room with your 20 handicap adventurer the only thing you have to worry about then is invisible creatures one hitting you an the keeper who (if he's actually trained) is quite a well balanced challenge as you can't simply run in there an hack him to bits unless he forgets that he's the most powerfull mage on the map. (random spell casting always seemed odd to me I think the AI should be taught to use them semi intelligently but not to the point they understand exactly how to exploit invisibility because that would make the game even less playable) TLDR? MAIN POINT –> perhaps in leu of a simple handicap system you can do a point system like cataclysm dda has done where your adventurer is afforded a large amount of points an they allow you to effect the adventurers starting stats aswell as give the adventurer better gear an special skills an beyond ambush (I've played a hefty amount on adventuring but only used this once) the trade off to creating a really OP adventurer is the score would be lower much lower when you've the game completed the game thus challenging players to push them selves harder to get higher on the leader boards they would do this by leaving points behind or taking negative atributes an debuffs IE character is a poor ranged combatant -10 accuracy


    also if you wanna make this interesting for keepers aswell you could include a sort of castle doctrine like replay where it would announce as soon as a hero conquered a previous dungeon of theirs an a offer would be made to the keepr to view or save the replay to find out what they did wrong/right I think if you showed when a adventurer died in a keepers dungeon it would be more complicated because you would have to worry about frustrated adventurers spamming into your dungeon an dying over an over (perhaps a 5 to ten minute cooldown before retry?)

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