Home Forums Bugs :P Missing DLLs for Steam version

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    So, I know that the Steam version reports crashes automatically so there have been a few crash reports generated and delivered by imps regarding this issue. But I'm also posting it here because it's a crash due to a missing DLLs that seem to be connected to OpenSSL. Specifically, libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll.

    I was able to 'fix' this by downloading an OpenSSL install binary from Shining Light Productions (OpenSSL's website points to Shining Light among a few others in regards to binaries of OpenSSL since they only release the source code. Since the OpenSSL project listed it as a place for a binary build, I trusted it was safe.), which during installation allowed me to pick from installing the OpenSSL DLLs in my system path (Oh, I'm running Windows 8.1) or instead in a bin directory in the openssl folder – an option I really liked since I just wanted the DLLs in a place where I could easily grab them and copy them into the KeeperRL directory.

    Anyway, after installing OpenSLL and copying libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll it seems to be running fine right now. When I started writing this post, I hadn't yet released that the dll (at first I only knew I was missing libeay32.dll, I found out ssleay32.dll was also missing after I copied libeay32.dll into the keeperrl directory) was connected to OpenSSL and was going to ask if there was a safe place to grab the DLL.

    I'm still posting this even though I found a workaround just in case it's something that pops up for other people using the steam version and in case the steps I took to 'fix' the errors adds more information/help than the crash reports generated.


    Indeed, for some reason I missed those two dlls when making the package. They'll be uploaded in a moment. Cheers.


    Wow, that was really fast. That's some awesome support =D. Thanks!


    No, thanks for your support, I need to have everything working flawlessly before them steam premiere.

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