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    Sorry to bother but i shared my favourite dungeon so far a few days after alpha 19 was released and it has gotten played 10 times! I’m really pleased to see this as this is my most played dungeon submitted.

    I was hoping to get some feedback on it as i put a lot more time into trying to design the base for others rather than completing it. I tried to make it feel a little like an RPG dungeon level for an adventurer.

    My aim was:

    Dungeon style: Tried for a small lived in feel where the minions reside, a more abandoned area with an “undergoing construction” vibe and a modest yet oddly vacant throne room…

    Dungeon Theme:Unchantrix” (Son of Xzimphrix and younger brother of Duchantrix) has decided to establish himself as a Keeper like his father before him. A prodigy in the dark arts yet physically frail. Naturally greedy but is seen in a good light by his minions (despite his notable cowardice).

    I tried to add some humour using the notice boards, as if they were public announcements or advertisements, I also tried to use them to add some dialogue between Unchantrix and his brother (to try and build characters).
    [I don’t know if it’s worked as intended but i’ll explain further down this post!*]

    Dungeon aim summary:

    Strength = Medium game (minions lvl 25 and below)
    Loot (res)= High (1 throne, 0 statues built)
    Loot (Items) = High quantity, but nothing with enchantments applied to them.
    Primary combat encounter = from memory –> Spell casters
    Potions in dungeon = Plenty
    Number of traps = notable
    Danger of traps = lowish (nothing caution and suspicion couldn’t avoid)
    Fairness = should be fair…hopefully.
    bugs used = maybe 2? but i believed i planned around them well.
    Secrets = a few.

    If you’ve played it then i hope you enjoyed it and can give me some feedback on where i went wrong and places i could improve!

    I was very busy over the summer so i was unable to properly test it out myself or make this post, hence why i haven’t been able to check if my notice boards have worked properly as i think i may have unwittingly used a bug when writing on them.

    I have a little more time now but my studies have gotten a lot more demanding so sadly i don’t believe i’ll be able to implement any of your amazing feedback before alpha 20, regardless i’ll greatly appreciate your feedback!

    P.s. If i’ve made any mistakes in this post please let me know!
    P.p.s I also have a print screen of the dungeons map revealed so if you get stuck let me know an i’ll send it to you or try doing that hidden post thing! X)

    – Guzorux.

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