Home Forums General Discussion How to install on a Mac?

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    Saw this game on a youtube stream, and wanted to try it out. Downloaded the free version on a macbook pro (2013), running OSX El Capitan 10.11. It's my roommate's macbook, and I have very little experience using macs, so I'm a little stumped on how to install the game.

    There's a few files (“keeper_mac.command”, an “OSX” folder with a Unix exe called “keeper”) I've tried running, but all they do is open a terminal and spit out the following message:

    Last login: Sat Oct 24 21:42:26 on ttys001
    /Users/nick/Downloads/keeperRL_alpha16_4_free/osx/keeper ; exit;
    Daniels-MacBook-Pro:~ nick$ /Users/nick/Downloads/keeperRL_alpha16_4_free/osx/keeper ; exit;
    dyld: Library not loaded: ./Frameworks/libsfml-audio.2.2.0.dylib
      Referenced from: /Users/nick/Downloads/keeperRL_alpha16_4_free/osx/keeper
      Reason: image not found
    Trace/BPT trap: 5
    Saving session…
    …copying shared history…
    …saving history…truncating history files…

    [Process completed]

    Is this doing anything? Seems to me it's trying to load or download a library, and can't find it, then closing. Am I missing something simple?


    Do you have that library called libsfml-audio ? (libsfml-audio2 on my OS )
    It seems to be looking for it

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