Home Forums Bugs :P Elementalist tower bug

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    So first off, I love the game, I find it incredibly fun with lots of potential and it reminds me of countless hours spent playing Dungeon Keeper and Dwarffort.

    Now the bug, it seems that the Elementalist's army seems to be blocking the staircase in the tower after I paid them to leave without attacking, normally I don't think this would be an issue, just wait a bit until they attack again, but for some reason even with a throne and several prisoner head installations, they just aren't attacking and it's been literally over 10,000 ticks since they attacked “I'm assuming that ironically the elementals are stopping the Elementalist army from attacking”, this seems like it could be a big bug for any future content involving staircase buildings.

    I can supply a copy of the save file if someone gives me the location.


    Yes, please send the save file to miki@keeperrl.com. It's in the game's folder, ending with '.kep'. Thank you.


    I have sent the kep file via email.

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