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    Purchased the game today, didn't get very far into my first game when i got stuck into the minion control menu. The f1 and esc menu's still worked, i could save the game and reload it, but none of the other hotkey's worked so i was stuck controlling the minion without being able to do anything with it. [ http://i.imgur.com/L3r26JR.png ] Though the game was still occasionally warping forward a few frames, like it was just lagging a lot.

    And shortly after, i got a crash message: [ http://i.imgur.com/X6IE4we.png ]
    All the crash log says is what it says in the image, “FATAL player_control.cpp:248 “

    I didn't find any info on the matter but i'm pretty sure this is my save file [ http://www.filedropper.com/engelion ]


    Thanks for the detailed report. I see the same behavior here after loading the save file, so hopefully I can figure out what went wrong.

    The save file size is extremely big, did you do anything out of the ordinary in that game? Like cut down trees on the whole map or somehow produce a huge number of items?


    I don't think i did anything out of the ordinary as far as i know. I played for about 7000 turns, my base was pretty big at that point and i guess i had a lot of production and units. Nothing i would expect to cause that kind of problems though.


    The bug just happened to me, it seems unrelated to the large save file. The game somehow ends up in a state half way between real-time and turn based modes. Possibly because of an unlucky key stroke combination or something. I haven't found exactly why, but I'll keep looking.

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