Home Forums Bugs :P Alpha 12 Demo – Incorrect Mana

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    I stumbled across this bug while playing the demo version of Alpha 12.
    * I purchased 5 imps taking my mana down to 68
    * I placed an eyeball lowering my mana to 58
    * I ordered the construction of my first library in order to use my spare mana to buy crafting sooner
    * Library menu displayed that I had 11 mana (I assume mana that my keeper earned from studying) while the hud showed 60+ mana
    * I saved the world and reloaded to see if that would fix them issue, the issue remained (pictured)
    * I then saved and reloaded the world to find the issue somewhat rectified because my 60+ mana in the hud had disappeared and was replaced by 11 (pictured)

    So basically I've had 60+ Mana simply dissapear after building a library without researching anything or hiring any extra imps, not a terribly major bug but it was an inconvenient one.


    I couldn't reproduce the bug, but I'll keep an eye on it.

    Did you try placing other eyeballs before the bug happened, and perhaps cancelling them or only that single one?

    Could you please send me the save file if you still have it?


    I've also encountered this problem in the full version of Alpha 12.
    I do believe it has somthing to do with the eyeballs, would send my save file but the game crashed when i tried to save n thus is corrupted.
    Sorry i cant be much help  🙁


    Ok, I know what causes the bug, fixing it right now.

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