Home Forums Development A few ideas for the game

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    A Search Function

    In the Adventure mode map select screen. because looking for a particular map in that list is a time consuming pain.
    (or at least it will be when the map screen fills up again)
    And maybe a sorting option? sort the maps by Plays, Score .. rating?, ect.

    Changing the Keeper sprite on the Keeper name screen

    Could this be a thing? In an update sometime in the future? like, I mean on that screen where you can enter a name for your keeper, there's A LOT of space on that window, why not add a new option to allow us to pick a Keeper sprite along with the name? Like you can have the keeper we have now as a magical focused character what about a dark warrior sprite as a melee focused character, or …uhm an evil looking character that uses a bow (Skill/Rouge like character) or a barbarian character, that instead of orks and Ogres you get human units or an Ogre king-like character. Or a …hm… a female…witch…character?…. O_o for the lady gamers? At least 6 different options in keepers to pick from would be cool. yah know whatever.  ::)

    Zombie Dragons and dead suggestions

    It would be cool if when i place a dead dragon corpse (And its pieces, if any) in my (Masterfully carved) Necropolis, that i would then get a Zombie Dragon eventually. There's only two dragons on the map so you will only get two zombie dragons.

    Any chance we could get a skeleton as a dead unit? like c'mon Skeletons, is a fantasy game Standard.

    We Need More Zombies! I notice that my undead army consists of mostly Vampires, not that that's a bad thing :/ its just that i have 26 vampires and 3 zombies, if that. I would like to have, yah know mostly Zombies and Skeletons with maybe like 8 or 10 Vampires at lvl 30 like “dead Generals” or whatever.

    Now hey this is just a thought but..

    Why not have Dead in the form of what they were when they were alive if it was an orc it'll be an Orc zombie, if it was a bandit (Human shaped unit) it will be a skeleton or a normal zombie or Vampire. If it was an imp it'll be a zombie imp (they can attack but there mostly just fodder for the bigger zombies) Dwarf, a Dwarf Zombie ext. ext. And it shouldn't be to much work, just maybe a pallet swap to a shade of green or something? (orcs,Ogres, and so on)

    The Doppelgangers -Kind of a rant  :-

    hm… didn't we used to have the ability to command the DG to absorb whatever target WE wanted, instead of it just going for my best or second best or useful unit. idk about the rest of everyone else but i really don't like DGs anymore. i put time and energy into making sure my best ogre was TRAINING instead of working at the jeweler. he runs over to the training room starts training AAAAND gets eaten by a DG  >:( FFFFFFFFUUCK YOOOUUU!!!  ((!!not anyone in particular just the Doppelgangers!!)) I really hate DGs.

    Like, shouldn't the ability to “delete” one of your best minions be in the players control? I mean i kind of need Ghosts and Succubi  that's why i build a ritual room. is there a way to get rid of DGs without effecting the moral of the rest of my hoard? — or as a suggestion:
    Make it so that they stay in there ritual room until you command them to absorb a unit. and it really shouldn't matter what unit they absorb whatever exp that unit had upon absorption gets added to the DGs exp thus leveling it up one if i collects enough exp. to level up.

    Speaking of Exp.

    An Exp. bar

    When you look at a unit's stat screen there should be an Exp. bar showing how much more training it'll need to level up. on that note How does the leveling system work in the game now? just wondering.

    Edit: and apologies for swearing earlier, But i Really hate Doppelgangers  >:( …  ;D

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