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    Hello all,

    Michal is currently collecting ideas for future game content at his wiki. Here is the link:


    The wiki format will facilitate an ordered approach to gathering material, which will make your requests easier to implement.

    Please join the experience and contribute!

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by Keeperman.
    Corran Horn

    I posted a small idea for a confusion trap. One of the features I had in mind though was for the trap creation to take a Scroll of Deception and wood. Then, to reset the trap it could take just wood. I think that this could be applied to many of the traps, making the initial setup take a larger investment, but maintenance cost less. I would also propose that imps could reset traps on their own, provided they are able to retrieve the needed materials. As it is, the traps have to be created each time they have to be reset and this eats up a lot of time in the workshops.This could be balanced by increasing build times for other items.


    Thanks Corran. Post another one soon 🙂


    I suggested a spell :p




    Is the purpose of the wiki just to gather a laundry list of items that could already fit under existing game systems, or are there pages that could be used for discussion about more general existing systems (i.e., resource collection, immigration, the world map, and that sort of thing).


    Hi Owen,

    I have split out the links for “Content” that can fit within the existing system and “Game Mechanics”, which are about changing the fundamental design. I think it will be helpful to keep them separate.

    This is the front page.


    I think you want the links at the bottom.


    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Keeperman.

    To make things easier, I now have a dedicated page for game mechanics (Redesigning the way the game works)


    Please still use the original link for game content (Changing what the game contains).


    There may be some overlap.


    Thanks for making those pages.

    I’m also wondering if staves should be introduced into the game, or if magic should just be done through spells.


    So I know this is odd to ask, but do we just edit the Wiki page for the given thing we’d think should be added? I see the templates in most of the links, so I fill those out best I can and post them underneath existing stuff, correct?

    Question bout Staves: Yes, not all creatures can use magic, so it would allow non magic casters to use magical spells, why stop at Staves, how bout “Ring of Stun Ray” or “Ring of Levitation” or “Ring of Word of Power” all giving the ability to the equipper to cast said spells. Gotta be honest, my Poison resistant Abbadon(Dopple) only needs the fire resistant ring (unless he’s fire resistant too, implying a fire resistant creature was absorbed if one exists, I forget)

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Andminus.

    So I know this is odd to ask, but do we just edit the Wiki page for the given thing we’d think should be added? I see the templates in most of the links, so I fill those out best I can and post them underneath existing stuff, correct?


    Please edit the wiki. The big strength of wikis is the ability to collaborate. The templates are there to provoke ideas and structure the ideas (making them easier to implement). Try not to remove ideas that have already been written down, as this is counter-productive.

    Question bout Staves: Yes, not all creatures can use magic, so it would allow non magic casters to use magical spells, why stop at Staves, how bout “Ring of Stun Ray” or “Ring of Levitation” or “Ring of Word of Power” all giving the ability to the equipper to cast said spells. Gotta be honest, my Poison resistant Abbadon(Dopple) only needs the fire resistant ring (unless he’s fire resistant too, implying a fire resistant creature was absorbed if one exists, I forget)

    Why not?
    Go ahead and make the best case for these ideas. Michal will pick and choose which ideas are best for the game.


    I went through most of the ideas. Some are really great! Thanks to everyone who contributed.

    I made a *very* tentative list of what I could add within 1-2 next updates. I mostly picked stuff that’s easy to implement, ads some meaningful gameplay, and fits within existing concepts in the game.

    You can browse it here:


    While I see and agree that the game would totally benefit from having more creatures, I would prefer a not that large amount but with more interesting characteristics / uniqueness. This may or not be on favor of the game design, as it could certainly make the game more “complicated” but at the same time it would allow it for more “unique” experiences and different “story’s” each game.

    There are many ways to do that, but one that I propose is using traits related to both lvls+combat and creature type.

    1. Some traits, “racial traits” would be innate to the creature (like flying for bats). But others (like nocturnal, diurnal, fearless, coward, one eyed, strong etc…) could be gained every X levels in combat (for example: bats can have only 2 traits at lvl 10, and 4 at 20), randomly from a pool of traits logical for that creature. That would make 2 bats or orcs in the same story/game similar but still different, and you could try to increase their trait strengths or diminish their traits weaknesses via equipment. (*)

    2. That leads me to the second point: “racial traits” can be far more diverse, both in positive and negative ways to balance them. For example: Vampires could be really powerful, but be destroyed in sunlight so that day/night cycle matters a lot more. Ghost could cross walls, be immune to physical damage and paralyze opponents, but never be far from where their corpse lingers. Ogres not only are strong and slow, but they eat double of pigs too (and you don’t want angry ogres!). Orcs are warlike and sometimes smash goblins or brawl with other orcs. These kind of things not only bring a lot of personality to the creatures but they also make you think more about how you create your dungeon. I think the game best did this is Dungeon Keeper 1, but majesty 1 had a lot of cool idea too.

    Sorry for the long post and hope it helps!

    (*) and Edit: There should be a limitation on “bad” traits (like 2/3 max) so that no creature is useless to the player

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Naur.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Naur.

    Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong place (I went to the Wiki but none of the areas seem to fit my list). I usually don’t care enough to make suggestions but this game has me enthralled. 🙂

    Whipping Post- Lose morale, gain an equal amount of mana 1 for 1 per turn (maybe detailed enough that it is racial specific, whip a goblin all goblins lose moral etc).

    Ghost’s- Posses an enemy, turn timer starts up, if the possessed can be brought to a prison cell before the timer runs out congrats you have a new prisoner. Also would make ghosts much more useful (just my opinion). Since they need no sleep or food and are non-corporal should not take up population but have a limit on how many you can have at one time.

    Torture Table- can be used on friendly humanoids (can’t advocate animal/beast abuse even in a fictitious setting). As with the
    Whipping Post you would be trading morale for mana but at a faster/higher rate.
    Heads on Spikes and Gallows- Any humanoid head or intact fresh body (as long as it’s collected in time) should be usable for these. Maybe as a morale booster to counter the Whipping/Torturer morale losses.

    Once again just some ideas from a fan. Thank you for the awesome game, and extra cool points for the animal charity donation option.


    First and foremost let me say I love this game, as is, if it never changes from what it is now I will still feel my money was VERY well spent. Truth be told I almost feel like you are selling you’re selves short at the current price, this game is worth more. Thank you for all the work you have and are currently doing.
    I know the wiki is set up to be edited for posting ideas, my ideas however snowball into each other in most cases so splitting them up into separate pages might cause some things to not make sense or seem pointless. That is why I am making one long (sorry by the way) post. I’ll try to separate everything into a “what and why” format. Some of these ideas have been posted in the past on the wiki so if you read this and see an idea you already posted PLEASE let me know so I can give you first come first serve credit. 

    =New resource=
    Stone (not Granite) just plain stone. Each block you dig out yields one piece of Stone.
    To carve out large areas and place walls as you see fit, to fill in outer gaps, and for building outdoors.
    =Claiming tiles outside=
    Once trees are cut down a large area of the main map is just open space.
    Claiming tiles outdoors would allow the building of walls, traps, a fortress, a trade hub, etc.
    =Designated areas=
    Controlling who goes where, when, and why.
    *Barracks, beds and work stations for fighters and archers only.
    *Dormitory, beds for spell casters only, bookshelves, potion and enchanting stations only.
    *Slave quarters, simple bedding for slave laborers.
    *Pigsty, (no longer needs to be learned) breeds pigs based on size –bigger sty more pigs-.
    *Mushroom Farm, (does not need to be learned) will grow basic edible mushrooms. Status effect mushrooms can be harvested outside and planted in smaller designated plots (Unlocked in Basic Alchemy).
    *Kitchen, a crafting station run by a Goblin(s) to turn pigs and mushrooms into meals.
    *Dining area, tables and chairs for eating meals.
    *Supply Room, a place for all building supplies (including plain stone).
    *Armory, a place for storing non magic weapons and armor.
    *Elite Armory, a place for storing enchanted weapons/armor/accessories and potions.
    *Treasury, a place for storing gold and trophies (Trophies raise morale and help lure large beings) dropped by elite enemies. Will increase bandit attacks and my cause Dragon attacks.
    *Throne Room, the Keeper’s seat of power from here he/she can cast ritual spells (any of the stat buff spells but cast over a set area of tiles, would drain mana per turn, can also curse an area causing debuff’s of the same type <raise defense/lower defense> <haste/slow> etc.) (Enchant Obelisks to lure Giants, Cyclops, and or Minotaur’s would also drain mana per turn while active) (can conjure building materials Iron and Granite only at a 5 units per 10 mana rate) and to ordain Champions (Limited number 3-5 of them at one time, must be maxed out in a combat stat, can only equip champion grade gear). Can also conjure champion grade armor/weapons/accessories (50% better stats than steel, once equipped it’s locked onto the champion and if/when they die it is gone forever and a new set must be conjured for the new champion).
    *Obelisks, an outdoor pillar that lures large beings to join you.
    *Cemetery, a place to entomb the honored dead (dead allies) increases morale.
    *Crypt, a place to draw in undead minions and a place for them to heal/rest.
    *Trade Hub, (assuming you have allies in game) a place to trade outdated and or unwanted weapons/armor/accessories/potions/scrolls.
    *Slavers Platform, (assuming you have allies in game) a place to buy and sell slaves. Slaves differ from prisoners in that they will do labor, Miners will give a bonus to ore yield, Smithies when teamed with goblins will double production speed, Haulers will pick up building materials constantly and quickly but cannot do construction.
    *Prison, same as now. Using a Whip (1 attack power, severe morale drop per hit, 75% chance to knock down the enemy) the character can then apply shackles (made in bundles of 3-5 for one piece of iron) and restrain the enemy. Then Imp’s or Haulers come and collect them.
    *Torture Chamber, a place to torture prisoners for mana. Dwarves physically toughest but least magical so 1 mana per turn for 50 turns, Humans 2 mana per turn for 40 turns, Elves 3 mana per turn for 30 turns. Allies can also be tortured at a 1 mana per hitpoint per turn until death, this will lower morale.
    *Whipping Post, a place too publicly torture prisoners to increase morale and provoke liberation forces from that prisoners race to attack. After x number of failed rescue attempts prisoner becomes a slave. (Dwarf=Miner, Human=Smithies, Elves= Hauler). (Want Elvish swords/bows, whip an Elf, Dwarvish weapons/armor, whip a Dwarf, Human accessories/potions, whip a Human). Since it increases the chance of a specific race attacking it also means the chance to capture more prisoners of that race. Allies can be whipped to slow enemy attacks but it will lower morale.
    *Demonic Alter Room, a place to summon Devils, Demons, Hellhounds and Succubus. Devil=Ogre+25% better stats and magic, Demon=Orc+25% better stats, Hellhound=Wolf+25% better stats, Succubus=Harpy+25% better stats. (The Doppelganger replaces the Succubus in creating random legendary Humanoids/Beasts). All have night vision, and regeneration, all are weak against Holy magic (Holy magic would be used by Priests, the Human/Dwarf/Elf version of a shaman). (Demons will act neutral to all and not take orders unless put in a team with a Devil). They will need separate Barracks, Dormitory, and dining area as they would not interact with lesser beings.
    *Cages, allows training of a Beastmaster (a Goblin with a whip) and hold beasts. Wolves and bears can be lured in and will fight enemies when they get close but if teamed up with a Beastmaster they can be given commands and use training dummies to gain up to +50% the starting stats. Trained animals can cause bleeding, rip off limbs, and knock down enemies. They can also “pin” an enemy allowing them to be captured. Ravens and Bats are scout creatures they have no attack or defense, will avoid combat at all cost, and don’t count against population but you have a limit of 3 of each at any time.
    =No static population cap=
    The Keeper can conjure enough food to supply 5 units from the start (automatically done).
    It validates building MUCH larger dungeons (and hopefully outdoor strongholds). It might just be my love of immersion/RP but cramming everything into a couple small rooms, building a trap filled hall and fighting in doorway’s only makes things seem to easy. The only reason I have to dig out after my first few rooms is to gather the resources as I unlock the geology tree. All in all even in endless mode I might use one third of the map, and that just seems like a waste.
    *A pig and one mushroom make five meals. So you need to build multiple pigsty’s/farms and or larger pigsty’s/farms. Same for the sleeping/training rooms.
    *Goblin, Orc, Orc Shaman, and the Harpies each need one bed and one meal per day (the demonic versions need the same). Slaves require one meal every other day. Wolves and Hellhounds need one cage each and one meal per day. All count as one population.
    *Ogres, Minotaur’s, and Devils need four beds each (two wide-two long) and two meals per day. Bear’s need two cages and two meals per day each. All count as two population.
    *Giants and Cyclops need six beds (three wide-three long) and three meals a day each.
    *Undead don’t eat mortal food and sleep in the Crypt so a larger Crypt or multiple Crypt’s the more Undead you can have. *Vampires, Zombies, and Skeletons count as one population each.
    *Ghosts do not add to the population but you can only have 3 at a time. They can be used as scouts, possession runs on a timer so you could possess someone and if you are fast enough bring them back and lock them in prison before the timer runs out.
    =New Allies/Enemies=
    Because making friends and killing things is what we do.
    Spice things up a bit while using assets already in the game. Also to alter building and combat tactics since food, sleeping areas, and team composition all matter now.
    *An enemy variant of the Ogres, Orc/Orc Shaman, and Harpies would be reasonable also, after all you are an invader and chances are not everyone will want to join you.
    *Human allies, dependent on outdoor living areas.
    =Tricks and Traps=
    Again more options in tactics and building.
    *Hidden passages and invisible doors for flanking enemies or quick escapes. Costs mana to cut out the passages and to build the door.
    *Guardian Pillars, They fire a Magic Missile when an enemy comes within range. Rate of fire one missile every other turn. Made from Iron, requires tier 2 sorcery.
    *Turret, like a Guardian Pillar but fires arrows instead. Made from Iron, requires Archery.
    *Ambush Trap, like a Surprise Trap but it transports a pre-selected team.
    =Research and items=
    Just some thoughts.
    *Make simple bows and targets part of basic crafting.
    *Add the Turret, broad head arrows (better damage made in bundles of 3-5 for one piece of iron) and a two handed bow. To Archery research.
    *Alchemy, Add enchanted arrows, elemental arrows and debuff arrows (made in bundles of 3-5 for one piece of iron). Same for one handed weapons.
    *Add one handed and two handed spears.
    *Add a Whip (1 attack power, severe morale drop per hit, 75% chance to knock down the enemy).
    *Add Shackles (made in bundles of 3-5 for one piece of iron).
    *Add throwing javelins for larger beings.
    *Add shield’s same defense range as chest armor wood shield same range as leather chest piece, iron shield same a chainmail, etc.
    And of course to make things fair enemies would have access to all these fun toys too!!!

    That’s all I can think of for now. Again these are just ideas and if they never make it into the game my money was still well spent. Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Trayvonis.
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