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  • in reply to: libpng12 and Ubuntu #7981

    All working now, many thanks for the help! Looks like it was most likely a system issue, the only thing it really needed was that libpng file.

    Not sure where the fix occurred:
    – Ubuntu update
    – Installed gdb
    – Tried running executable directly from lin_64 (couldn’t find files)
    – Copied data, data_contrib, data_free into lin_64
    – Ran the executable from lin_64 again (working)
    – Removed the copied folders
    – Ran the .sh (still working)
    – Removed gdb (still working)
    – removed the libpng12 file again (broken)

    in reply to: libpng12 and Ubuntu #7979

    I do now! Just looking at the help on how to use it… 🙂

    I’ll have a tinker when I get home from work.

    in reply to: libpng12 and Ubuntu #7973

    Good call! Just tried that:
    atollski@Twisty:~/Applications/Keeper RL Alpha 25$ ./
    *** longjmp causes uninitialized stack frame ***: ./keeper terminated

    Stack trace seems more helpful – think I’m missing a font!
    Edit – deleted the stack trace just after this and ran again. Think it’s the SIGABRT instead?
    FATAL renderer.cpp:619 : fonts.textFont >= 0 is false. Error loading ./data_contrib/Lato-Bol.ttf
    Caught SIGSEGV: Segmentation Fault
    Current time 1535924032, running time 1
    posix_print_stack_trace() at ??:?
    posix_signal_handler(int, siginfo*, void*) at ??:?
    ?? ??:0
    std::_Function_handler<void (), DebugOutput::crash()::$_2>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&) at debug.cpp:?
    Renderer::loadFonts(DirectoryPath const&, Renderer::FontSet&) at ??:?
    Renderer::Renderer(Clock*, std::string const&, Vec2, DirectoryPath const&, FilePath const&, FilePath const&) at ??:?
    keeperMain(po::parser&) at main.cpp:?
    main at ??:?
    ?? ??:0
    _start at ??:?
    Caught SIGABRT: usually caused by an abort() or assert()
    Current time 1535924277, running time 11
    posix_print_stack_trace() at ??:?
    posix_signal_handler(int, siginfo*, void*) at ??:?
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    Renderer::drawAndClearBuffer() at ??:?
    WindowView::refreshScreen(bool) at ??:?
    WindowView::refreshView() at ??:?
    MainLoop::playGame(OwnerPointer<Game>, bool, bool, std::function<std::experimental::optional<MainLoop::ExitCondition> (WeakPointer<Game>)>) at ??:?
    MainLoop::splashScreen() at ??:?
    MainLoop::start(bool, bool) at ??:?
    keeperMain(po::parser&) at main.cpp:?
    main at ??:?
    ?? ??:0
    _start at ??:?
    Caught SIGABRT: usually caused by an abort() or assert()
    Current time 1536053627, running time 10
    posix_print_stack_trace() at ??:?
    posix_signal_handler(int, siginfo*, void*) at ??:?
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    Creature::updateVisibleCreatures() at ??:?
    Creature::makeMove() at ??:?
    Model::update(double) at ??:?
    Game::updateModel(WeakPointer<Model>, double) at ??:?
    Game::update(double) at ??:?
    MainLoop::playGame(OwnerPointer<Game>, bool, bool, std::function<std::experimental::optional<MainLoop::ExitCondition> (WeakPointer<Game>)>) at ??:?
    MainLoop::splashScreen() at ??:?
    MainLoop::start(bool, bool) at ??:?
    keeperMain(po::parser&) at main.cpp:?
    main at ??:?
    ?? ??:0
    _start at ??:?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Atollski.
    in reply to: libpng12 and Ubuntu #7969

    Some progress! It managed to get to the intro video then immediately closed the application.

    So tried skipping the animation by hitting escape but it still closed after about 3 seconds of running the game.

    Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help!

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