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    Good update, a lot of steps in the right direction this time. The game seems more balanced overall, even if the strategy to win is essentially the same.

    Here are some more ideas that I have for future versions:

    Allow automatic looting of conquered zones
    It’s a chore to have to drag everything back to your base once you’ve cleared a sector. Maybe this could be done automatically. Perhaps the speed with which you can bring stuff back can be done in proportion to your minion force as well, or how distance the base is to the loot-site.

    Should enemies drop so much loot?
    Raid a tribe of bandits, and you have enough swords to last you for two games. Kill a few dwarves, and you have enough chain armor. Essentially, the only thing you need production for is first aid kits and boulders. I don’t know what the fix for this could be? Perhaps use the production systems for crafting more powerful items. Recipes and ingredients could be procured from the map, and then crafted in the base. Alternatively, maybe enemies just shouldn’t drop items at all so that you either have to find things in chests or craft them yourself.

    Another thing that I thought about was requiring EVERYTHING in your dungeon to be crafted,
    including furniture and floortiles. This would move the game in the direction of factorio, but it still wouldn’t be nearly as complicated as factorio because you don’t have to lay out an assembly line. Just order what you want, and the game will automatically craft the prequisites while the imps shuttle everything around. All you worry about is the resource management. But, maybe this is the wrong direction to take the game.

    Make the ritual room a production building as well
    Instead of automatically getting a surge of mana upon defeating a tribe, I wonder if mana would have to be extracted from corpses. Partially, this is because I have all these corpses piling up (and I don’t want an army of zombies), and partially, because I don’t really like generating mana for free. How this works:

    • Corpses picked-up from site by imps like any other equipment.
    • Corpse-storage area added to menu next to equipment, resource storage. Imps deliver corpses here
    • Corpses delivered to ritual-room by imps on demand.
    • Just like sorcery, various rituals are unlocked in from the tech tree in basic, advanced, and master tiers.
    • The most esoteric rituals need to be learned from looted books, just like how legendary items can only be looted from other sites.
    • Ghosts, shamans, or other spooky creatures need to perform the rituals.

    Make the beast tech-tree more interesting
    Humanoids can be fitted with weapons, but beasts cannot. I was wondering, then, if there could be some sort of ability tech-tree that could be researched for upgrading your beasts. Perhaps these upgrades could be researched in the ritual room as I have proposed above.

    Build defenses outside your base; more siege weapons

    One thing that I like about the Elementalist is how his minions can siege your position. I would like more enemies to have siege capability so that you can’t just rely on boulders to save you. Maybe dwarves and humans could have long range bombard cannons.

    Automatically balancing player-created dungeons
    I like the idea of using player-created dungeons because they are more architecturally interesting than algorithmically-created dungeons, but the monsters that they contain are not balanced like everything else in the game is. Perhaps there could be an option to algorithmically populate player-created dungeons based upon the tiles and furniture found in the dungeon.

    Telepathic connections
    It would be nice if some enemies could give telepathic information to player-controlled teammates. For example, bats and ravens wouldn’t be totally worthless if they had this ability.


    Allow automatic looting of conquered zones

    It’s a must-have. I’ve just been working on this today. For now it’s pretty simple, you open a menu for a defeated enemy and items are teleported to your storage.

    Should enemies drop so much loot?

    Most enemies don’t drop very valuable loot, except retired keepers. Still, I think there is plenty of high level stuff to craft yourself (and there will be more).


    Some games do it, but I can’t see any benefits of such a feature.

    Make the ritual room a production building as well

    So corpses are brought to the ritual room, minions work on them, and only then you get mana? Certainly interesting. One problem with it is that it stops your progress if you don’t have any enemies to kill at the moment. It’s also harder to balance, which was the reason why I removed mana gain from simply killing enemies.

    But I’d definitely like to change the mana generation mechanic. If you have any other ideas, please write about them.

    Make the beast tech-tree more interesting

    Beasts will undergo big changes. They aren’t very useful (especially in the campaign mode). On the other hand, I want to add some diverse enemies, and I can see wolves, cave bears, etc, being early game enemies.

    Build defenses outside your base; more siege weapons

    Good idea. Maybe something that straight plants bombs and destroys your mountain piece by piece.

    Automatically balancing player-created dungeons

    I’m not sure. You are free to choose the dungeons that you download, and the high level enemies provide some extra high difficulty for expert players.

    Telepathic connections
    It would be nice if some enemies could give telepathic information to player-controlled teammates. For example, bats and ravens wouldn’t be totally worthless if they had this ability.

    You mean that other members of the team see with their eyes? I plan to make that the normal case.

    Thanks a lot for the stream of ideas 🙂


    So corpses are brought to the ritual room, minions work on them, and only then you get mana? Certainly interesting. One problem with it is that it stops your progress if you don’t have any enemies to kill at the moment. It’s also harder to balance, which was the reason why I removed mana gain from simply killing enemies.

    Well, the mana-generation comment was just a minor thing; the main thing I was suggesting was to use the ritual rooms as factories so that this factory motif would be repeated more. I was also going to suggest (but I didn’t) that corpses, when processed, could liberate secondary resources called “humours,” (i.e., sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic biles). (These could possibly also be easily convertible to mana, but maybe not; I was even thinking about making “mana” simply a composite value of these four humours). Anyway, different rituals would require different humours in various quantities. (These humours could also be liberated from mushrooms). I wrote more about how rituals could work here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/329970/discussions/3/305509857557053068/

    The real point of all this is to get different systems of the dungeon interacting with each other in sort of a network-like fashion, not to change how mana is produced. Macro-strategy-wise, the mana generation system is not that big of a deal; I just wanted it to be corpse dependent so that waiting around was not the best strategy.

    === Rant mode (only read if extremely bored) ===

    Here’s my mana-related rant, since you triggered me by writing “game balance.” (I’m just talking about campaign mode here, don’t really care about single-map mode).

    If the game is “hard to balance”, I think it would be because the starting conditions are so extremely variable. In some games you can start next to four tribes that can kill you at the blink of an eye, and in others you can kill everything in sight. It seems to me like a tall order to balance a rogue-like when the typical power curve has such a high standard deviation. (And this is compounded by trying to extend the initial conditions to include the single-map mode). It’s not as bad as it was a year ago, but I still think the game is basically stomp or be stomped, rather than winning by a long sequence of perfect decisions as a Chess grandmaster plays his game.

    So, there are often long periods where you just sit and wait, because that’s all you can do when your enemies are powerful. Ultimately, I’d prefer it if the game forced me to do interesting stuff; if the base construction were more interesting, like a puzzle a la Rymdkapsel or if it REALLY taxed your resource management skills, then I’d not be so insistent on this, but the base construction is just busy-work so it gets boring after the third time you play the game.

    tl;dr: So, if we started on the left hand side of the world map and tribes got progressively more difficult, then there would always be something fun to do (i.e., killing something).

    Okay, now on to mana. The way I think mana could work is like “action points,” and I think it should only be acquired from going out and “doing stuff,” either killing enemies, stealing things, or maybe solving those little mario-party mini games like sokoban. To me, EVERYTHING in the game should be dependent on mana (in addition to whatever other resource): building items, rooms, even digging tunnels. When you do this, then mana doesn’t become hard to balance, it becomes the rate-limiting factor; the currency of balance, if you will. It helps to put a crude, time-independent upper bound on how powerful the player can grow. (I previously noted that gold sort of acts like this because it limits recruitment, but mana seems like it could do this for all systems in the game. It was also sort of why I’d suggested that a constant supply of wood should be required to keep the dungeon torches lit: progress requires economy, economy requires imps, imps require mana.

    tl;dr: Make crude limit on maximum, time-independent player progression easy to balance by ultimately tying every operation to one scalar value. Arbitrarily choose mana to be this value, and very tightly control the maximum mana which can be liberated in each sector on the world map.

    Basically the whole point of this suggestion was so we don’t have to play the waiting game as much. But, I guess it’s not a HUGE deal. Just my 2c.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by owen. Reason: stupid bbcode

    And just some other points

    Telepathic connections: Yes, I mean shared vision. But in general I mean shared detection, so that if some unit can sense some property of another unit, then that information is also shared.

    Re: coming outside of your base to defend.

    Okay, what if some stuff was outside your base, NOT defendable by boulders. Like maybe there are just mines sitting in the middle of the map instead of buried in the mountain. To get the minerals out of the ground, you have to erect a mining apparatus (buildable at the workshop maybe, maybe not). Anyway, the point is that this thing is really expensive (in terms of the time it took to build) and you’d rather not have it smashed. You CAN hide in your tunnels, behind your boulders, but it’ll cost you.

    Also recommend that boulders completely smash everything they roll over, turning whatever equipment is being carried into component resources.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by owen.

    I’m not sure. You are free to choose the dungeons that you download, and the high level enemies provide some extra high difficulty for expert players.

    Yes, that’s why I’d suggest it as an optional thing. Personally, I’d rather just have a standard, well-balanced campaign mode where I click “start” and I which I don’t get to make easier or harder by seeing all the enemies before the game starts. But, I observe that some people like the opposite.


    I’m planning a new campaign mode that doesn’t have all the customization, and has fixed retired dungeons. This would have highscores and everything.

    The current campaign mode would be called free play or something like that, and only here you’d download retired dungeons. There would be no score.

    I think this solution addresses your issue.


    Most enemies don’t drop very valuable loot, except retired keepers. Still, I think there is plenty of high level stuff to craft yourself (and there will be more).

    That’s good! Game could probably do with more stuff. I was also going to suggest that jewels could be looted along with gold. In addition to having value as gold, jewels could also be installed on various items (swords, armour, magic staves, rings, whatever, the throne, etc) in order to modulate their power. This would happen at the jewelers bench.

    Some games do it, but I can’t see any benefits of such a feature.

    Maybe just the “installations” then? Yeah, it probably doesn’t have any benefit to the game play.


    I’m planning a new campaign mode that doesn’t have all the customization, and has fixed retired dungeons. This would have highscores and everything.

    The current campaign mode would be called free play or something like that, and only here you’d download retired dungeons. There would be no score.

    I think this solution addresses your issue.

    Yes, this is exactly what I was hoping for. Thanks! I do think that’s the best way to satisfy both the group of people who play this as a sandbox game and the group who are looking for a roguelike challenge.

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