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  • #5837
    Bas Testerink

    Your texture pack looks great! I would love to be able to switch between texture packs in the future. Nice touch that statues are statues of the keeper.

    Corran Horn

    Finished up the title screen.

    title screen

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Corran Horn.
    Corran Horn

    KeeperRL Texture Pack Dec 25 2016

    Here is the current version of my texture pack, if anyone would like to give it a shot. It’s about 90% complete at this point, so I would really appreciate any feedback as I finish up the last parts.



    P.S. Make sure you back up the default folders before replacing them with these. On OSX the folders are found in /Users/User/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/KeeperRL. I don’t know what the path is on PC.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Corran Horn.

    Cool, I’ll check it out ASAP 🙂

    Corran Horn

    Castle Album

    I finished up the castle walls last night and made some adjustments to my basic claimed and unclaimed floor tiles. I should just have magma, mud walls, roads, standard walls and wood walls left. Then just tweaking things to make it all work together and feel more consistent across the board.


    Corran Horn

    I’ve finished the wood and mud walls.

    However, this has brought up a bit of a problem with the way buildings are rendered and I’m wondering if you’d consider a small change. The edges of buildings currently come up directly against the grass, with no transition.

    In some towns there is a buffer of mud around the buildings that transitions into grass.

    But, the grass texture still cuts into the buildings in some places, which causes weird transitions. If all of the buildings had a buffer of mud around them, or just had grass transitions on their edges it would help a great deal.

    I realize that this issue is more pronounced because of the way that I’ve decided to render walls, and I don’t want to ask for anything that would negatively impact the default appearance. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.


    Corran Horn

    I may have discovered a small bug after finishing the road textures. I can’t actually find any roads in-game longer than a single tile, like this:

    I may just have bad luck, but after checking several orc and lizard camps they were all the same.


    Corran Horn

    Updated Download

    I’ve updated the download with the most recent version. I just have one question. Where can I find magma in the game?


    Some dungeon floors also suffer from the transition problem (in both tilesets). Maybe I’ll come up with a universal method for transition. For now the grass/sand/mud/mountain transitions are kind of hardcoded. If you tell me which ground tile pairs are missing transitions then maybe I can add them.

    Corran Horn

    Yeah, I don’t think that it needs a transition added if there were a buffer of mud around the buildings. The small towns look good where the buildings have that buffer between the walls and the grass (just one tile of mud between them).

    Like this:

    Corran Horn

    And yeah, a lot of the tiles have a rough time with transitions. I’ve tried to design with those limitations in mind, but it’s a tradeoff between making seamless tiles and repetitive patterns. There is value in making the grid visible, but I’ve tried to limit that as much as possible. With the mud texture I moved towards a brick style because it tends to be used in buildings (like the castle) and in the pigsty where muddy bricks/stone makes sense. A flat mud texture in the castle was much less interesting. in the image above you may see that I attempted to match the edges of the stones in the mud texture up to the stones in the standard floor texture. It’s not perfect, but it helps mitigate the abrupt change between tiles.

    Corran Horn

    There are two grass transitions missing. Parallel vertical and horizontal straight edges:

    Corran Horn

    I’ve reworked the grass texture but it’s raised another issue. Would there be any way to turn off tile flipping? Perhaps in a config file or something like that?


    Hey, sorry for not replying earlier. I’m pretty busy with finishing the next update now, so unfortunately I won’t be able to fulfill your requests in the short future. I’ll let you know as soon as a testing build for Alpha21 is out, and then you can adjust your pack to it (there are a few additions and changes). After that we could expose your pack a somewhere so more people download it.

    I’ve been thinking a lot about replacing the current main menu background, as in my opinion it doesn’t fit the game that well. I like your background more, and perhaps you’d like to do a modified version that fits the original color scheme? It would be a paid job of course.

    Corran Horn

    Hey Michal,

    No problem. I didn’t expect a response right away with the new year and all. I would love to work with you on the background. I’ll shoot you an email.


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