Home Forums Bugs :P libpng12 and Ubuntu

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  • #7966

    Hi Michel,

    I have discovered this game recently and have been having a blast! Last month I updated from Ubuntu 16 to 18 and the game no longer launches with the message

    FATAL renderer.cpp:97 : image is false. Failed loading libpng12.so.0: libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory.

    Tried to get the libpng12 package but apparently it’s no longer supported!


    Try downloading this into the game’s directory: http://retired.keeperrl.com/~michal/libpng12.so.0

    Let me know if it works and if there are any other problems, and I’ll update the distribution.


    Some progress! It managed to get to the intro video then immediately closed the application.

    So tried skipping the animation by hitting escape but it still closed after about 3 seconds of running the game.

    Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help!


    That’s very strange.

    Can you try running the game from command line and see if any error comes up? Also, the game leaves a file ‘stacktrace.out’ when it crashes, please check if it’s there.


    Good call! Just tried that:
    atollski@Twisty:~/Applications/Keeper RL Alpha 25$ ./keeper_lin64.sh
    *** longjmp causes uninitialized stack frame ***: ./keeper terminated

    Stack trace seems more helpful – think I’m missing a font!
    Edit – deleted the stack trace just after this and ran again. Think it’s the SIGABRT instead?
    FATAL renderer.cpp:619 : fonts.textFont >= 0 is false. Error loading ./data_contrib/Lato-Bol.ttf
    Caught SIGSEGV: Segmentation Fault
    Current time 1535924032, running time 1
    posix_print_stack_trace() at ??:?
    posix_signal_handler(int, siginfo*, void*) at ??:?
    ?? ??:0
    std::_Function_handler<void (), DebugOutput::crash()::$_2>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&) at debug.cpp:?
    Renderer::loadFonts(DirectoryPath const&, Renderer::FontSet&) at ??:?
    Renderer::Renderer(Clock*, std::string const&, Vec2, DirectoryPath const&, FilePath const&, FilePath const&) at ??:?
    keeperMain(po::parser&) at main.cpp:?
    main at ??:?
    ?? ??:0
    _start at ??:?
    Caught SIGABRT: usually caused by an abort() or assert()
    Current time 1535924277, running time 11
    posix_print_stack_trace() at ??:?
    posix_signal_handler(int, siginfo*, void*) at ??:?
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    Renderer::drawAndClearBuffer() at ??:?
    WindowView::refreshScreen(bool) at ??:?
    WindowView::refreshView() at ??:?
    MainLoop::playGame(OwnerPointer<Game>, bool, bool, std::function<std::experimental::optional<MainLoop::ExitCondition> (WeakPointer<Game>)>) at ??:?
    MainLoop::splashScreen() at ??:?
    MainLoop::start(bool, bool) at ??:?
    keeperMain(po::parser&) at main.cpp:?
    main at ??:?
    ?? ??:0
    _start at ??:?
    Caught SIGABRT: usually caused by an abort() or assert()
    Current time 1536053627, running time 10
    posix_print_stack_trace() at ??:?
    posix_signal_handler(int, siginfo*, void*) at ??:?
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    ?? ??:0
    Creature::updateVisibleCreatures() at ??:?
    Creature::makeMove() at ??:?
    Model::update(double) at ??:?
    Game::updateModel(WeakPointer<Model>, double) at ??:?
    Game::update(double) at ??:?
    MainLoop::playGame(OwnerPointer<Game>, bool, bool, std::function<std::experimental::optional<MainLoop::ExitCondition> (WeakPointer<Game>)>) at ??:?
    MainLoop::splashScreen() at ??:?
    MainLoop::start(bool, bool) at ??:?
    keeperMain(po::parser&) at main.cpp:?
    main at ??:?
    ?? ??:0
    _start at ??:?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Atollski.

    Hmm, these are 3 different errors. I assume that you figured out the missing font issue and that’s resolved?

    Do you have gdb installed?


    I do now! Just looking at the help on how to use it… 🙂

    I’ll have a tinker when I get home from work.


    All working now, many thanks for the help! Looks like it was most likely a system issue, the only thing it really needed was that libpng file.

    Not sure where the fix occurred:
    – Ubuntu update
    – Installed gdb
    – Tried running executable directly from lin_64 (couldn’t find files)
    – Copied data, data_contrib, data_free into lin_64
    – Ran the executable from lin_64 again (working)
    – Removed the copied folders
    – Ran the .sh (still working)
    – Removed gdb (still working)
    – removed the libpng12 file again (broken)

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