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    Here are some development ideas that I would like very much to see in game. I play as the non-evil knight, so my ideas relate to game play as the non-evil character.

    *Guard rooms. I think that guard rooms should be assigned similar to how a unit can be assigned to a quarters currently.

    *Some form of see-through blocks such as fortifications, glass, bars, etc.

    *More powerful versions of ranged weapons to make archery viable in late-game. My thoughts are that long bows could be added to the workshop with the two-handed weapons tech, and that crossbows and arbalests could be added as 1H and 2H metal weapons to the forge. Another alternate idea would be to have different races posses different 1H and 2H ranged weapons. For example, maybe the humans would have short and long bows, the elves would have elven bows and great elven bows, and the dwarfs could have crossbows and arbalests.

    *The non-evil knight should have the ability to recruit some form of angel. This makes sense from a lore perspective since the evil keepers have access to demons, further, this would give the non-evil side a flying unit, which is something they need very much for water and lava levels.

    *Priests could have an offensive, ranged, ability that only harms demons and the undead.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by turtle.

    After playing with an evil keeper for a bit, I want to elaborate on why I posted the idea of adding guard rooms and I also want to put forth a different, alternative solution.

    As the less evil knight, the livestock that you purchase to increase the population cap will idle in the same leisure areas that your other minions go to. That means that, if you assign a leisure area to the front of your base, or down a set of stairs to guard it, it places your expensive livestock at risk of getting slaughtered.

    One solution for this could be to have separate leisure areas for minions, prisoners, and livestock. Another solution would be to make the leisure area system similar to how units can be assigned to a particular quarters and make it so that prisoners, livestock, and minions can be assigned to these areas. This second option has the disadvantage of being time consuming for the player, but allows the player to have a high level of control


    Here are a few more suggestions

    *Non-archer units should not pick up bows or the player should be able to lock equipment slots to empty. When non-archer units pick up bows, they often end up staying at rage and never closing for melee, even though the bows do no damage in the hands of those units.

    *Since gnomes lack the ability to disarm traps, and the white knight keeper cannot develop traps currently, maybe the white knight keeper could have a different security system than traps.

    Two possibilities are gargoyles and gnomish automatons. Gargoyles could be non-controllable, immediately fly back to a perch after nearby enemies are slain, could drop some stone on death, and there could also be a much cheaper version that is just a statue :). Automatons might wander around a set area, or rest at a charging station, but would need to return to a charging station in time. On death, they could drop iron. For lore purposes, maybe only gnomes should be able to make automatons.

    I think that there are some pros and cons to having something like gargoyles and/or automatons implemented as opposed to having traps. During late game, traps would probably be deadlier (boulder trap plus web/fire trap on wood floors), but automatons and gargoyles wouldn’t need to be reset every time, and they could take care of weaker waves on their own.


    Hey, sorry for the late reply. Thanks for your suggestions!

    *Guard rooms. I think that guard rooms should be assigned similar to how a unit can be assigned to a quarters currently.

    I’ve been thinking about guard rooms for a long time, the issue is that minions need to sleep, eat, etc., so there has to be a mechanic of changing guards, and also designating guards would require new UI, which makes things complicated.

    *Some form of see-through blocks such as fortifications, glass, bars, etc.

    You have the barricade.

    *More powerful versions of ranged weapons to make archery viable in late-game. My thoughts are that long bows could be added to the workshop with the two-handed weapons tech, and that crossbows and arbalests could be added as 1H and 2H metal weapons to the forge. Another alternate idea would be to have different races posses different 1H and 2H ranged weapons. For example, maybe the humans would have short and long bows, the elves would have elven bows and great elven bows, and the dwarfs could have crossbows and arbalests.

    Good idea. How would the weapons differ? Just by damage value and range?

    *The non-evil knight should have the ability to recruit some form of angel. This makes sense from a lore perspective since the evil keepers have access to demons, further, this would give the non-evil side a flying unit, which is something they need very much for water and lava levels.

    *Priests could have an offensive, ranged, ability that only harms demons and the undead.


    As the less evil knight, the livestock that you purchase to increase the population cap will idle in the same leisure areas that your other minions go to. That means that, if you assign a leisure area to the front of your base, or down a set of stairs to guard it, it places your expensive livestock at risk of getting slaughtered.

    Well, you can assign separate quarters to your livestock, I think.

    Two possibilities are gargoyles and gnomish automatons.

    Gargoyles have been on my list for a long time, they’re just hard to implement. (they’re both a piece furniture and a creature, which are very separate concepts in the game). I haven’t thought about adding automatons to the white knight, that’s a good idea.

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