This update is focused more on polishing things than new content or gameplay. I hope to release it around Nov 20.
These things are already done, more to come soon 🙂
- Minion menu overhaul.
- Team UI overhaul.
- Changes in building UI.
- Legendary minions are pre-generated and have custom sprites. There are 16 currently, but more may come.
- Sprites are no longer re-scaled to 1.5x. The two zoom levels are now 1x and 2x.
- Smooth scrolling with keyboard.
- Fixed warnings about walking into fire, sunlight, forbidden zones, etc.
- Notification on villains icon when new villain is discovered.
- Unarmed damage value is displayed when creature is unarmed.
- Map extends beyond playable area, to make map border look nicer.
- Game closes immediately with Alt+F4 or when window is closed with mouse.
- Clicking on enemy in minions tab scrolls the map to the enemy.
- A lot of UI fixes optimizations.
- Some sprites are redone and prettier.