Home Forums Bugs :P Controls become unresponsive but time still passes?

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    As the title says, i think it has something to do with waking up.
    First time i think it was from being hit by a sleeping potion but i’m not sure.

    Second time i think it was a result of controlling a sleeping raven and then changing locations?

    Raven stuck after waking up and changing maps

    Really confused as to how this happened as nothing else really happened…

    In relation to the bug with the raven, unlike the previous one when i could load back in but still be stuck, when i tried to load it – the game finished loading and then started autosaving. Once it finished autosaving it just started to do it again, and continued to do so every time it seemed finished,

    Autosaving on the loading screen

    P.s. i hope i did the images preperly, hope they help in fixing whatever went wrong here! X )


    Do you still have that save file that keeps autosaving when you load it? (from the second screenshot)


    Oh yeah, as a recovered file of some sorts. I still have it as a loading option at least.

    The other one has just become plain old corrupted when i tried to open it just now.


    Send all you have to miki@keeperrl.com, please.


    I believe i sent the autosaving load file to your e-mail just now, please let me know if you don’t get it!

    If you also want the save file that had what i believe is the same bug but now reports as corrupted then i can send that one as well?

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